We are Emeline Dussaucy and Thomas Régent. We both graduated from the Versailles School of Architecture in 2018. In 2020, we partnered to found studioZERO.
We develop approaches that are dear to us and that are essential in our society. For example, we carry out projects that are part of a reuse, environmental and circular economy approach.
At StudioZERO, we work on projects of all scales. These can be buildings, furniture, houses, flats for private individuals or museum scenography, eating places, offices for professionals.

What are your daily challenges?
We have a very particular approach to our work.
The agency's fields of action are developed around several issues: the environment, the protection of resources, the circular economy and reuse.
Our architecture is described as responsible.
We favour the recovery of materials that our clients might have previously classified as waste. For each of our projects, we carry out an upstream resources diagnosis. This allows us to list all the materials, equipment and anything else that is available on site. This is a major inventory by measuring, weighing and recovering elements that we will use later. These resources that are already existing can have a new use instead of being thrown away.
It is the real challenge of our daily work to be able to offer a solution that meets the customer's expectations while respecting these values.
Why iMapper?
For each project, we take care to diagnose, measure and list everything in our files.
Thus, during the first commercial visit, we have to optimise our time between the survey, the diagnosis of resources and materials and the exchange with our clients.
Our approach is very time consuming and requires a lot of time investment. We were looking for a tool to help us do the surveys of buildings and apartments. The iMapper allowed us to gain efficiency and optimise our time on site.
We can now focus on our approach and be confident that we are getting an accurate survey with the iMapper so that we can design on a much more accurate plan.
What was it like to survey before iMapper?
First of all, we had to coordinate our schedule with that of the client. We were not always available at the same time. We had to return to the site several times.
But between the survey, the diagnosis and the interview with the client, we couldn't be efficient. The survey was always a very long part that required a lot of concentration. The final result was never satisfactory because it was not very accurate.
It was downright laborious, even painful.
Indeed, we were unable to combine our two bodies of activity. We were either working hard to diagnose resources and develop this approach that we hold dear. Or we were focusing on taking measurements to make sure we had the right plans... which was never the case!
What is it like now?
A survey of a house in Normandy was carried out to compare the old method with the use of iMapper.
We timed ourselves by doing our plan surveys. Between the basements, the ground floor, the floors, the facades, we took two days.
Then we had to digitise these plans. We realised that the measurements were wrong, our angles were not correct. So the project design was very inaccurate. In two days, we didn't even have time to carry out our resource diagnosis. We went to the site a third time to do it.
We did the exercise with the iMapper. In just two hours, we were able to scan all the rooms and facades. By redrawing with the point clouds, we saw how accurate these surveys were. Then we added the time needed to diagnose all the elements that interested us for the project.
The result convinced us. The time spent on the site has decreased significantly. This has reinforced our decision not to leave this work tool.

What would you say to companies to convince them to choose iMapper?
The iMapper allows us to free up time and make the most of it. Now we can observe better to understand what is at stake in the project and what the client wants.
It really helps us to focus on our priorities.
The iMapper does the reading by itself. It's small and convenient: you just press a button and it scans the room. We are much more efficient and accurate. There are no more errors in measuring the building. And finally, it allows us to focus on our approach, the diagnosis of resources.
To try it is clearly to approve it.