
I am Pélagie Bellity, I am 27 years old, and I am an interior designer in Yvelines. I work in Versailles and manage all the projects in the west of Paris. I created BLTYdesign two years ago for this purpose.

Gambetta Project - Pélagie Bélity

Her daily challenges?

Generally speaking, like all architects, my projects must please my clients and not disappoint them. But in practice, on a daily basis, I face technical challenges: to not make mistakes in my measurements and undertake feasible projects without ever promising the Moon.

Building surveys always encounter delays and there are mistakes on plans. It's a real headache to meet the clients' expectations on time and on budget. 

What was it like to survey before iMapper? 

I mainly survey old buildings, especially in Versailles, where the buildings are complex and deformed by time. Frankly, I was very stressed by the surveys before iMapper. As I'm alone, I have to admit that taking measurements was particularly laborious. This was a major handicap in managing my schedule.

Why iMapper? 

I dreamed of a laser that could take measurements for me but the market prices were far too high for an organisation like mine. Then iMapper came along! While taking measurements sometimes took me a whole day (not counting the 2D plans that had to be recreated and for which it is generally necessary to count half a day more), I gained a considerable amount of time and an unequalled precision by hand.

With the iMapper the margin of error is very small, or non-existent.

What is it like now? 

Less stress and fewer mistakes when taking ribs. And the simple fact that I don't make any more mistakes saves me a lot of time and peace of mind.

What would you say to companies to convince them to use the iMapper? 

To begin with, I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to try to convince them: it saves time and is a sign of confidence for my clients. This saving of time has also had a positive impact because I now have the time to carry out projects that were previously forgotten about.

Let's also talk about the price! As I said earlier, I couldn't find a properly priced solution for a structure like mine. Now I have a state of the art tool that I have paid for in three days of work in surveys - I honestly couldn't have hoped for more.