I'm Sylvain, architect and co-founder of Inée Architecte, which I founded with my friend Timothée.
J'ai toujours été tiraillé par le choix d'une vie artistique et celui d’une vie plus technique. Architecte m'a semblé être un juste milieu. Après nous être consacrés à la construction de grands bâtiments : gares, tours, bureaux, Timothé et moi avons décidé de fonder notre propre activité pour revenir à une échelle plus petite. Nous nous sommes alors lancés, avec Inée, dans la rénovation d’appartement.
I've always been torn between choosing an artistic life and a more technical one. Architect seemed to me to be a happy medium. After devoting ourselves to the construction of large buildings: stations, towers, offices, Timothé and I decided to set up our own business to return to a smaller scale. Together with Inée, we set out to renovate apartments.

What are you day-to-day challenges?
My first mission is to advise. Beyond plans and layouts, my first mission is to answer all my customers' questions, and even anticipate them. Unforeseen circumstances are common in renovation work, and you have to know how to deal with them, together with the customer.
Why iMapper?
I was very frustrated with the time I spent surveying and the way I went about it (tape measure, laser tape measure, paper and pencil). As I'm sure you're aware, the errors and inaccuracies of this technique are a millstone around the neck of countless architects. Quite naturally, I was looking for a tool that could free me from this weight.
What is the situation now?
I've been using the iMapper for several months now and I'm totally won over. It's totally changed my surveying session and my meeting with the customer. The iMapper is extremely easy to use and saves a lot of time:
We press the button, it turns and takes the reading, without us stopping our discussion with the customer. It's completely changed the way we take readings, of course.
Then it's a pleasure to get back to the office and analyze the data. Architectural plans are drawn up at lightning speed, without losing details that even a rangefinder wouldn't have been able to detect (rooms that aren't orthogonal, wall thickness, etc.). And beyond the direct time saving, there's the indirect time saving. As the measurements are reliable, I don't have to repeat them 10 times, and that changes everything.
Quite simply, it's a real convenience and a real time-saver.
What would you say to companies to convince them to use iMapper?
You can test iMapper for one month, and it's totally free.
If you want to save time and never doubt the reliability of your plans, give it a try. I bet you'll be convinced.